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Life is challenging when you’re not feeling your best. At Pompa Program, our dedicated health coaches are here to guide you toward a healthier, more vibrant life.

Watch this FREE webinar.

Have you ever been told by doctors, "You’re fine," or that "it’s all in your head?"

Do you feel frustrated or even a little hopeless after countless tests show nothing wrong, yet you still don’t feel well?

Do you sense that something is seriously off with your health, but you just can’t figure out what it is?

Do you feel alone in your health journey, as if no one truly understands or believes you?

Have you suffered from any of these symptoms that no doctor has been able to explain:

Low Energy

Brain Fog



Sleep Problems

Weight Gain

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, here’s what you need to know:

You’re NOT crazy. It’s NOT “just in your head,” and you’re NOT alone.

How do we know? Because our founder, Dr. Pompa, has been exactly where you are now—sick, frustrated, and searching for answers that seemed impossible to find. He’s lived through the struggle of trying everything to feel better without clarity or a solution.

If you’re ready to uncover the explanation and solution that Dr. Pompa discovered, watch this FREE webinar today:

The Explanation for “Unexplainable” Symptoms…

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If you’ve made it this far, we’re willing to bet we know a few things about you:

Imagine if you could explore root causes of your “mystery” health issues…

Imagine what it feels like to validate it’s not just in your head.

And more important than test results…you have the opportunity to get on the path toward making positive change.

Comprehensive Cellular Health Analysis

If you’re ready to uncover the answers you’ve been searching for, now is the time to take action.

The Cellular Damage Test is a specialized screening tool that detects cellular inflammation, toxicity, and damage—providing insights that standard blood tests from your doctor might miss.

You’ve likely heard that inflammation is a major culprit behind many health problems—including the ones you’ve been dealing with.

Naturally, you felt hopeful that this could be the key to understanding your symptoms. So, you went to your doctor, asked for tests to confirm it, and then…


Your doctor told you the test results were normal, and inflammation wasn’t the issue. Ironically, instead of feeling relieved, you left the office deflated—because you thought you’d finally pinpointed the cause.


Your doctor didn’t actually test you for inflammation. At least… not in a way that matters.

You see… doctors’ blood tests look for general inflammation, marked by something called c-reactive proteins (the kind you might get when you’ve had an injury).

But what most doctors completely overlook is inflammation at the cellular level.

It doesn’t matter how good your bloodwork looks… and it doesn’t matter how good your hormone levels look…

If your cells themselves are inflamed none of these beneficial levels will make a difference.

Because cellular inflammation prevents hormones from communicating with your cells… and prevents nutrients from reaching your cells.

It’s like this. Imagine you needed to fill your car with gas… and the way you did it was by throwing gas on the car instead of in the gas tank!

That’s exactly what happens when you try to nourish your cells with all the right nutrition and hormone levels when the cells themselves are inflamed.

An inflamed cell… full of toxins… will not receive nutrients properly.

What are you waiting for?

You need to take the Cellular Damage Test now!

Not only do you get the test…

You also get a Neurotoxicity Assessment, consisting of a detailed questionnaire that walks you through everything about your health issues, past and present, that may be contributing to your cellular inflammation.

Plus, you get a 60-minute consultation with one of Dr. Pompa’s trained health advisors. Our health advisors are trained and equipped to help you understand your results, offer insights and determine your next step forward.

For me, I like to be empowered.

I like to do the research, read the documents, watch the videos. I find that sticks better with me than just being told an answer. It may be different for you, but I just want to remind you of the tools we all have in this awesome program.

Lisa Hunter Pohlmeyer

Pompa Program Client

Here’s Why Nothing You’ve Tried Has Worked

Imagine a river flowing past your house—but it’s so polluted that you can’t even swim in it or drink the water.

To solve the problem, you grab a bucket and start scooping out the pollution.

Do you think this would work?

Of course not.

But this is exactly what you’ve been doing with your health symptoms for years!

You see, the symptoms or pollution won’t go away by treating them directly… because there is a source of the pollution upstream from your home!

There’s a factory upstream, churning out all that nasty pollution.And in the case of your health… the factory is inflamed and toxified cells that are unable to process the basic hormonal, nutritional, and metabolic functions of your body properly. So their toxic sludge spills over into the rest of your body… downstream from the source.

[This is why you’ve done so many things for your health and still don’t feel well].

That’s why I always say…



By addressing the root causes of your health problems, the symptoms ‘downstream’ can naturally begin to clear up.

And the only way you can know the root cause of your health problems is through understanding what’s going on with your cells… the building blocks of your health.

Discover the Root Cause of Your Symptoms…

I started on the program at the end of September and have been able to release over 30 pounds!

My coach is amazing! So are all the other coaches I have been able to learn from during the webinars throughout the week—and of course from Dr. Pompa on his weekly Q&A’s as well. All super valuable!

Stephanie Liell Neubauer
Pompa Program Client

Discover the Cellular Detox Plan Personalized for You

By the end of your Comprehensive Cellular Health Analysis, you will come away with a personalized plan to banish cellular inflammation and toxicity from your body once and for all.

Since no two cases and causes of cellular toxicity and inflammation are the same, it’s crucial that your plan be personalized to your particular history, causes, and circumstances.

No, this is not the same old cookie-cutter advice you’ve heard to eat chlorella or take a sauna. You cannot detox in the same way as your neighbor. Everyone’s detox plan is different, because everyone’s causes of toxicity and inflammation are different. With this offer you are going to get a totally personalized plan!

Think of all the time, energy, and resources you’ve spent just trying to find some answers.

If you’re ready to uncover the explanation and solution that Dr. Pompa discovered, watch this FREE webinar today:

The Explanation for “Unexplainable” Symptoms…

From Pain to Purpose…

No matter how much you’re struggling with your health right now, I promise you, I’ve been there.

The reason I know that YOU can heal quickly from symptoms you’ve suffered from for years, is that I went through the same journey. At age 34, a mysterious illness descended on me, and I had to find my way back to health and wholeness. Learn how I reclaimed the best health of my life…

Who Else Wants These Life-Changing Results?

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Pompa Program Image

Not only did I gain my life back, but now I'm able to coach and train our team to offer that solution to others who are ready to get their life back.

I truly resonate with the message pain to purpose. At the young age of seventeen I got diagnosed with fifteen different illnesses, (two autoimmune diseases and was plagued by chronic pain, fatigue, and more). I spent two years bed bound, limited by my deteriorating health. I traveled in those years to more than thirty doctors. My family and I sought out the most well known specialists, no one could truly help or give me answers. Not only did I get my life back, but now I’m able to inspire and train our team. We’re offering a complete solution to the sick and hurting, an opportunity to get their life back.

Ava Young
Dr. Pompa’s Client