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Meet the Team

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Daniel Pompa

Chief Executive Officer
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Izik Pompa

Chief Operations Officer

Mike Heiser

Chief Marketing Officer
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Todd Cool

Co-Manager of Coaching
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Co-Manager of Coaching

Dean Kozora

Sales Manager

Join Our Team,

Help Our Clients,

Change the World

You’ve read about the amazing work we do—maybe you’ve even experienced it yourself!

And you can read above about the dedicated, hard-working, kind-hearted professionals on our team.

Our business is rapidly expanding, which means our team is as well. Would joining this team be a dream come true for you? We are seeking motivated professionals in the areas below, who are ready to change the world with us!



Become on of the coaches that helps our clients day-to-day. You are the lifeblood of our business. We provide intensive training.



Talk to people every day and support them in finding the right solutions to their health problems.



From social media, to digital advertising, to copywriting, you help us spread the message far and wide!



You are an essential part of this business: you keep the office running smoothly and help everyone achieve their highest potential.

Become one of the coaches that helps our clients day-to-day. You are the lifeblood of our business. We provide intensive training.

Talk to people every day and support them in finding the right solutions to their health problems.

From social media, to digital advertising, to copywriting, you help us spread the message far and wide!

You are an essential part of this business: you keep the office running smoothly and help everyone achieve their highest potential.

Ready to join the movement?

Click the button below to view our open positions.

Please fill out the form below, and upload your resume and a cover letter. We will reply to you within 2 weeks if we’d like to interview you.
Thank you!