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Avoid Toxic Breakfast Cereal

Avoid Toxic Breakfast Cereal

Avoid Toxic Breakfast Cereal – Cereal With Harmful Ingredients Should Be Banned

Toxic breakfast cereal with colorful packaging designed to target children lines grocery store shelves. Even worse, many parents believe that cereal is a healthy option for their children. We can thank psyop campaigns and marketing executives for that. The truth is, most breakfast cereals are downright dangerous for human consumption and should be banned.

Avoid Toxic Breakfast Cereal – Sugar, HFCS, And Dextrose

Sugar is one of the leading culprits in many health concerns, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, and heart disease. Sugar is found in large quantities in many breakfast cereals. According to the American Heart Association, children should consume no more than 25 grams of added sugars per day. However, some popular breakfast cereals have as much as 15 grams of sugar per serving!1

In addition to sugar, many breakfast cereals also contain high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). This sweetener has been linked to various health issues, including liver damage and obesity. Studies have shown that consuming foods high in HFCS leads to an increase in body fat, especially around the abdominal area.2

Dextrose is another common ingredient found in breakfast cereals. It is a simple sugar that is quickly broken down by the body, causing blood sugar levels to spike and then crash. This leads to feelings of fatigue and hunger shortly after eating breakfast.3

Avoid Toxic Breakfast Cereal – Artificial Colorings

Artificial food colorings are commonly added to breakfast cereals, such as Red No. 40, Blue No. 1, Yellow No. 5, and Yellow No. 6. These colors are unnecessary and have been linked to behavioral issues in children, such as hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder.4

Avoid Toxic Breakfast Cereal - Artificial Colorings

Avoid Toxic Breakfast Cereal – Trisodium phosphate (TSP)

Trisodium phosphate (TSP) is another toxic ingredient found in some breakfast cereals. It is used as a preservative and is also found in cleaning products. TSP causes digestive issues, skin irritation, and kidney damage. How is this chemical allowed in our breakfast cereal?5

Avoid Toxic Breakfast Cereal – Vegetable Oils

Some of the most commonly used vegetable oils in cereal include corn, soybean, canola, sunflower, and cottonseed oil. Vegetable oils are often marketed as a healthier alternative to traditional cooking oils such as butter or lard. However, the truth is that these so-called “healthy” oils are actually downright toxic.

Most vegetable oils are highly processed using methods such as bleaching, deodorizing, and high heat extraction. These processes strip the oil of its nutrients and create harmful byproducts, such as trans fats.6

One of the main issues with vegetable oils is their high level of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), particularly omega-6 fatty acids. While our bodies do need some amount of PUFAs, excessive consumption leads to inflammation and other health problems.7

Vegetable oils high in PUFAs quickly become rancid. Rancidity occurs when fats and oils break down. Consuming rancid oils leads to free radical formation, harming our cells and contributing to a long list of diseases.8

One concerning aspect of rancid vegetable oils is their impact on our cellular health. The rancid omega-6 fatty acids from these oils integrate into the cellular membrane of our body’s trillions of cells. What’s even more concerning is that these rancid omega-6 fatty acids remain in the cellular membranes for months. This causes chronic inflammation in the cellular membrane, which has been linked to cellular toxicity, energy production issues, and hormone resistance.9

Read more about the link between vegetable oil and heart disease.

Avoid Toxic Breakfast Cereal – Glyphosate

Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide that is the main ingredient in Monsanto’s popular weed killer, Roundup. Glyphosate is present in our food and particularly high concentrations are found in breakfast cereals.

According to a report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), glyphosate was found in nearly all samples of conventionally grown oat-based and corn-based cereals. This includes popular brands that we all know by name. Oats and corn are sprayed with glyphosate prior to harvesting, a process known as desiccation, to make them easier to harvest.10

Avoid Toxic Breakfast Cereal - Glyphosate

In the last 30 years, we have witnessed a 10,833% increase in bipolar disorder, a 119% increase in ADHD, a 2,094% increase in autism, a 11,000% increase in chronic fatigue syndrome, a 280% increase in depression, a 7,200% increase in fibromyalgia, and a 702% increase in hypothyroidism. This dramatic increase in diseases all across the board are directly correlated with the production of peroxynitrite that is linked to the ingestion of glyphosate.11 12

Glyphosate And The Brain

Surprisingly, it gets worse, as glyphosate increases the permeability of the blood brain barrier, permitting larger toxins to enter the brain and allowing even more toxic heavy metals like mercury and aluminum to lodge deep within the brain.13 I know this from experience, as it was mercury from silver amalgam fillings that caused neurotoxic damage.

Read about what happened to me after I found out mercury in my hypothalamus was making me sick.

Removing neurotoxins from the brain is addressed in the Pompa Program. During the first few months, the focus is on down regulating cellular membrane inflammation, improving cellular ATP production, and optimizing detox pathways to release heavy metals and other toxins from the body. However, the final month, known as the “brain phase”, is dedicated to removing heavy metals like mercury and aluminum from the brain. 

Learn more about the Pompa Program by joining our free Webinar.

Reducing Glyphosate Exposure

Some companies have taken steps to reduce the amount of glyphosate in their products, but there are currently no regulations in place that limit the use of this herbicide in food production. This means that consumers need to be vigilant and avoid consuming glyphosate-contaminated foods.

To avoid toxic breakfast cereal loaded with glyphosate, we need to look for organic options, as these are not allowed to use glyphosate during any stage of production. Additionally, choosing products from countries with stricter regulations on pesticide use, such as Canada and Europe, can also help reduce exposure. In any case, I would argue that breakfast cereal in general isn’t healthy to begin with as you will see below.

Beware Of Toxic Breakfast Cereals That Pretend To Be Healthy

There are plenty of toxic breakfast cereals that pretend to be healthy by using buzzwords like “whole grain” and “100% daily value of all vitamins and minerals”, yet these are just marketing ploys designed to manipulate consumers.

Cereals that claim to lower cholesterol are able to make this claim legally because they contain fiber. However, the cereals themselves have not been specifically analyzed for health benefits.

Some toxic breakfast cereals that advertise they are gluten-free use excessive sugar, tapioca flour, and tapioca starch to enhance flavor. So while these cereals do not contain gluten, they certainly aren’t healthy by any stretch of the imagination.

Other cereals market that they contain “100% daily value of vitamin C” or are “made with real fruit juice”. Since juice isn’t healthy to begin with, as it is loaded with sugar, don’t fall for this marketing ploy.

Finally, one box of cereal I saw had the phrase, “Naturally flavored with other natural flavors.” What does that even mean? Seems like a double negative to me so I can only assume it is not natural in any sense of the word.

Watch the video below to see this and other common marketing ploys that are used to sell toxic breakfast cereal.

What Breakfast Cereal Is Healthy?

I would argue that healthy breakfast cereal doesn’t exist since oats, corn, and modern day wheat aren’t healthy food choices to begin with. Instead, consume an organic, natural, whole foods diet that consists of grass-fed meat, grass-fed dairy products, vegetables, nuts, seeds, low-glycemic fruits, and healthy fats like olive oil.

Read about my Cellular Healing Diet.

Can Changing My Diet Reverse A Lifetime Of Toxin Exposure?

Changing your diet is certainly one important factor in improving overall health, but in this day and age, only changing your diet isn’t enough. This is because we are exposed to so many toxins, whether that is in cereal, other foods, our drinking water, silver fillings, and chemicals like PFAS, BPA, phthalates, etc. To reduce exposure and remove these toxins from our cells, we need to know about the 5Rs.

Detox only works if it’s done on the cellular level. This is why I created the 5Rs to remove toxins from cells. By detoxing each cell in our body, we relieve the stress that toxins put on our cellular function.

cellular detox

R1 emphasizes the importance of removing the source of toxicity from our lives in order to properly detoxify. So stop eating toxic breakfast cereals and other toxic food.

In R2, we learn about the role that cellular membrane inflammation plays in hindering proper detoxification. When our cellular membranes are inflamed, essential nutrients cannot enter cells and waste products cannot leave, leading to a buildup of toxins that in turn triggers the expression of harmful genes.

R3 delves into the importance of restoring cellular ATP production and other pathways that have been hampered by toxins. ATP is the energy source that allows cells to function and its restoration is necessary for effective detoxification. Additionally, with sufficient ATP, cells can produce glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that aids in eliminating toxins.14

Downregulating cellular membrane inflammation is the focus of R4. While it may seem logical that as toxins are removed from cells, inflammation decreases, however, this isn’t the case. The NO/ONOO cycle maintains inflammation, so specific nutraceuticals are used to reset the cells.15

Lastly, R5 highlights the importance of restoring methylation through the use of methyl donors. Toxins disrupt the necessary methyl groups needed for detoxification and other essential processes like hormone regulation and gene expression. By properly supporting methylation, we are able to turn on the expression of beneficial genes and turn off harmful ones.16

The free Webinar is the best place to learn more about the 5Rs.

Avoid Toxic Breakfast Cereal – Cereal With Harmful Ingredients Should Be Banned

We have explored the harmful effects of certain ingredients found in toxic breakfast cereals and how they negatively impact our health. Now that we are aware of these potential dangers, avoiding them completely is the best path forward.

Our health should not be compromised for the sake of convenience or profit. If enough of us stop buying toxic products to the point where it puts a dent into corporate profits, companies will stop producing these products.

Read more about the top most toxic foods.


1 How much sugar is too much? (2024, May 23).

2 Meyers AM, Mourra D, Beeler JA. High fructose corn syrup induces metabolic dysregulation and altered dopamine signaling in the absence of obesity. PLoS One. 2017 Dec 29;12(12):e0190206. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0190206. PMID: 29287121; PMCID: PMC5747444.

3 Gillespie KM, Kemps E, White MJ, Bartlett SE. The Impact of Free Sugar on Human Health-A Narrative Review. Nutrients. 2023 Feb 10;15(4):889. doi: 10.3390/nu15040889. PMID: 36839247; PMCID: PMC9966020.

4 Miller MD, Steinmaus C, Golub MS, Castorina R, Thilakartne R, Bradman A, Marty MA. Potential impacts of synthetic food dyes on activity and attention in children: a review of the human and animal evidence. Environ Health. 2022 Apr 29;21(1):45. doi: 10.1186/s12940-022-00849-9. PMID: 35484553; PMCID: PMC9052604.

5 Calvo MS, Moshfegh AJ, Tucker KL. Assessing the health impact of phosphorus in the food supply: issues and considerations. Adv Nutr. 2014 Jan 1;5(1):104-13. doi: 10.3945/an.113.004861. PMID: 24425729; PMCID: PMC3884091.

6 Bhat S, Maganja D, Huang L, Wu JHY, Marklund M. Influence of Heating during Cooking on Trans Fatty Acid Content of Edible Oils: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. 2022 Apr 2;14(7):1489. doi: 10.3390/nu14071489. PMID: 35406103; PMCID: PMC9002916.

7 DiNicolantonio JJ, O’Keefe J. The Importance of Maintaining a Low Omega-6/Omega-3 Ratio for Reducing the Risk of Autoimmune Diseases, Asthma, and Allergies. Mo Med. 2021 Sep-Oct;118(5):453-459. PMID: 34658440; PMCID: PMC8504498.

8 Gu C, Philipsen MH, Ewing AG. Omega-3 and -6 Fatty Acids Alter the Membrane Lipid Composition and Vesicle Size to Regulate Exocytosis and Storage of Catecholamines. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2024 Feb 21;15(4):816-826. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.3c00741. Epub 2024 Feb 12. PMID: 38344810; PMCID: PMC10884999.

9 Ammendolia, D.A., Bement, W.M. & Brumell, J.H. Plasma membrane integrity: implications for health and disease. BMC Biol 19, 71 (2021).

10 Glyphosate | Environmental Working Group. (2020, July 14). EWG.

11 Santini, C. (2020, December 29). “Root cause in the dramatic rise of chronic disease” — The Nutrition Clinic. The Nutrition Clinic.

12 Pacher P, Beckman JS, Liaudet L. Nitric oxide and peroxynitrite in health and disease. Physiol Rev. 2007 Jan;87(1):315-424. doi: 10.1152/physrev.00029.2006. PMID: 17237348; PMCID: PMC2248324.

13 Costas-Ferreira C, Durán R, Faro LRF. Toxic Effects of Glyphosate on the Nervous System: A Systematic Review. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Apr 21;23(9):4605. doi: 10.3390/ijms23094605. PMID: 35562999; PMCID: PMC9101768.

14 Zolkipli-Cunningham Z, Falk MJ. Clinical effects of chemical exposures on mitochondrial function. Toxicology. 2017 Nov 1;391:90-99. doi: 10.1016/j.tox.2017.07.009. Epub 2017 Jul 27. PMID: 28757096; PMCID: PMC6078194.

15 Pall M. L. (2013). The NO/ONOO-cycle as the central cause of heart failure. International journal of molecular sciences, 14(11), 22274–22330.

16 Dhar GA, Saha S, Mitra P, Nag Chaudhuri R. DNA methylation and regulation of gene expression: Guardian of our health. Nucleus (Calcutta). 2021;64(3):259-270. doi: 10.1007/s13237-021-00367-y. Epub 2021 Aug 16. PMID: 34421129; PMCID: PMC8366481.

Disclaimer: All rights reserved. Information provided is for general purposes and not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult your healthcare professional for medical concerns. About Dr. Pompa

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